2012년 8월 23일 목요일

AVEXIR 4GB x4 DDR3-2666C11 1.65V Memory

AVEXIR 4GB x4 DDR3-2666C11 1.65V Memory(AVD3U26661104G-4CM)
Quda Channel Kit
MSI Z77 MPowe special memory

Image Shot

It is Hynix CFR base memory kit 
Default Test
AVEXIR Memory working movie
I will update test result and system image (Because MPower NDA 8/28....)
Full Bank DDR2780 CL11-13-13-35 2T Vdimm:1.72V Super-pi 32M Pass
 Full Bank DDR2800 CL11-13-13-35 2T Vdimm:1.72V Super-pi 1M Pass
 Full Bank DDR2800 CL11-14-13-25 2T Vdimm:1.74V Super-pi 32M Pass

System Image

MSI Z77 MPowe special memory working movie 


댓글 1개:

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